Do you want to know what's better than a bouquet of a dozen red roses? How about a bouquet of bacon roses? Or, if you aren't a meat-eater, a bouquet of hand-crafted origami roses or ones made of duct tape that won't wither away within a couple of days?
For this Valentine's Day, surprise your sweetheart with something that goes beyond a boring Hallmark card. Like a DIY card with a customized QR code. Or a private Tumblr for you and your valentine to archive old memories and favorite animated GIFs. If you're feeling really ambitious (and trust your valentine's sense of direction and problem-solving), try a romantic scavenger hunt.
And if it is too late to make reservations at your favorite restaurant, you can always buy some pizza dough and whip up a heart-shaped pizza. If there is any day to get a little cheesy, it's Valentine's Day.
Got your own heart-melting DIY Valentine's Day gift success stories? Share with us! (Click on image to enlarge.)
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